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Royal National Institute for Deaf People Website

Department of Health Website

NHS Contract Aids - old lines

DSP Medium power hearing aids
Danalogic 163D
Danalogic 163D
Oticon Spirit VC
DSP lines from the old contract will remain available through NHS Logistics until at least 31st December 2003 to allow for transition to the new products. The manufacturers of these aids will continue to support them for a period of five years after the contract ended. Please do not stockpile aids that will no longer be on the contract.

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Product Name for technical data where supplied
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(where available)

DSP high power hearing aids
Triano SP
Danalogic 283D
Danalogic 283D
Spaceline D71S-40
Spaceline D71S-40
Spirit 700SP
Widex Senso P37
Supero 412
DSP Specialist small Child/baby hearing aids
Select P
Select P
Aero 211
Baby Gemini A312

Correct as at 13 May 2003